Facebook marketing is still available

The rise of social media platforms have revealed the importance of video-focused marketing. While Instagram and TikTok are great tools to promote listings and attract younger generations, you shouldn’t stop marketing on Facebook. As the largest social media platform in the world, here are four reasons why the Charter Title team thinks your marketing strategy should still include Facebook.

Facebook Business Profiles

As a start-up, small agency or established household name, Facebook’s business pages offer online business profiles that make it easy to display basic information about your services. You’ll also be able to upload consistent posts and conduct live webinars to engage customers.

Many Active Users

With almost three billion monthly users, Facebook is not only a perfect opportunity for brand awareness but also for advertising. With advertising, you’ll receive more visibility and boost traffic to your website. Establish a balance between organic and sponsored content to promote your business to a variety of users.

One Platform/Versatile Content

Social media tools usually focus on one primary form of content, but Facebook maintains a versatile platform that allows you to share multiple types of content, including video. This allows you to provide what everyone is looking for.

Invested Audience

Facebook remains the most popular social media network among users aged 35-44, and 70% of all adults still use the platform. With Facebook Audience Insights, you learn more about your specific audience and can create content accordingly.

While other avenues may generate more buzz, Facebook is still key, and its transparent audience will help your next marketing campaign succeed. The Charter Title crew can’t wait to partner with you so give us a follow today!

Springtime is for homebuyers!

Sharing information is the key to success in our industry so the Charter Title & Escrow team is excited to connect with you each month through your inbox. We’ll be celebrating our great clients across the state of Nebraska, sharing marketing tips, and including local or industry news we think you’ll find helpful and interesting.

Since spring has sprung, we’d like to talk about the housing market. For many millennial homebuyers, 2022 is the year they’ll finally be ready for the home of their dreams. Helping them navigate this unique and interesting market is the top priority.

This recent article from realtor.com got us thinking about three ways our Realtor friends can help their clients keep their sunny outlook during their home buying journey.

  • Encourage open-mindedness. Inventory is at a historic low. Your clients’ “perfect home” is likely to see prices driven up by fierce competition. Be their guide, and help them see where compromise is appropriate, whether it’s flexibility on location, features, or fixable cosmetic issues.
  • Get them pre-approved. Stress to your buyers how important it is to be ready to act when it’s time to make an offer. Pre-approval just might be the difference between landing their perfect home or being left in the dust once the paperwork is finalized.
  • Set realistic expectations. With prices going up and options limited, you’ve probably already had frustrating experiences with reverse pricing and “bargain basement” strategies. As you know, if the cost is too good to be true, it probably is. Better to prepare your buyers for this on the front end.

As hard as you work for your clients, you deserve a closing team that has your back. With over a century of title and real estate experience, the Charter Title & Escrow team is here to make the process as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Contact us today!